St Andrew's Church, Layham

Events Calendar

CW John Mason Neale, 1866
Wednesday 07 August 2019
John Mason Neale, Priest, Hymn Writer, 1866


Holy Communion
Numbers 13.1-2, 25-14.1, 26-35
Psalm 106.14-24
Matthew 15.21-28

Morning Prayer
Psalm 119.1-32
Jeremiah 29.1-14
2 Corinthians 12

Evening Prayer
Psalms 11, 12, 13
1 Samuel 11
Luke 22.39-46

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Isaiah 49.8-13
2 Corinthians 8.1-11

BCP: The Name of Jesus

Jeremiah 14.7-9
Psalm 8
Acts 4.8-12
Matthew 1.20-23

BCP Collect

Almighty God, who hast taught us that in the name of Jesus Christ alone is salvation: Mercifully grant that thy faithful people, ever glorifying in his name, may make thy salvation known to all the world, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.