Events Calendar
Sunday 26 May 2019
The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Principal Service
The reading from Acts must be used as either the first or second reading.
Acts 16.9-15
Psalm 67
Revelation 21.10,22 - 22.5
John 14.23-29 or
John 5.1-9
For those who require an Old Testament reading on the Sundays of Easter:
Ezekiel 37.1-14
If an Old Testament reading is used, the reading from Acts must be used as the second reading.
Third Service
Psalm 40.1-9
Genesis 1.26-28 [29-31]
Colossians 3.1-11
Second Service
Psalms 126, 127
Zephaniah 3.14-20
Matthew 28.1-10,16-20
God our redeemer,
you have delivered us from the power of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom of your Son:
grant, that as by his death he has recalled us to life,
so by his continual presence in us he may raise us
to eternal joy;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Post Communion
God our Father,
whose Son Jesus Christ gives the water of eternal life:
may we thirst for you,
the spring of life and source of goodness,
through him who is alive and reigns, now and for ever.
Additional Collect
Risen Christ,
by the lakeside you renewed your call to your disciples:
help your Church to obey your command
and draw the nations to the fire of your love,
to the glory of God the Father.
BCP: The Fifth Sunday after Easter
BCP: BCP Holy Communion
Joel 2.21-26
Psalm 66.1-8
James 1.22-end
John 16.23-end
BCP Collect
O Lord, from whom all good things do come; Grant to us thy humble servants, that by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that be good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Principal Service
The reading from Acts must be used as either the first or second reading.
Acts 16.9-15
Psalm 67
Revelation 21.10,22 - 22.5
John 14.23-29 or
John 5.1-9
For those who require an Old Testament reading on the Sundays of Easter:
Ezekiel 37.1-14
If an Old Testament reading is used, the reading from Acts must be used as the second reading.
Third Service
Psalm 40.1-9
Genesis 1.26-28 [29-31]
Colossians 3.1-11
Second Service
Psalms 126, 127
Zephaniah 3.14-20
Matthew 28.1-10,16-20
God our redeemer,
you have delivered us from the power of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom of your Son:
grant, that as by his death he has recalled us to life,
so by his continual presence in us he may raise us
to eternal joy;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Post Communion
God our Father,
whose Son Jesus Christ gives the water of eternal life:
may we thirst for you,
the spring of life and source of goodness,
through him who is alive and reigns, now and for ever.
Additional Collect
Risen Christ,
by the lakeside you renewed your call to your disciples:
help your Church to obey your command
and draw the nations to the fire of your love,
to the glory of God the Father.
BCP: The Fifth Sunday after Easter
BCP: BCP Holy Communion
Joel 2.21-26
Psalm 66.1-8
James 1.22-end
John 16.23-end
BCP Collect
O Lord, from whom all good things do come; Grant to us thy humble servants, that by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that be good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ.