
Shelley Services and Events

Sunday 15th September 9.15am
Eucharist - Layham with Shelley
Sunday 22nd September 9.15am
Sunday 6th October 9.15am

Events Calendar

CW David of Wales, c.601
Friday 01 March 2019
David, Bishop of Menevia, Patron of Wales, c.601

Green / white

Exciting Holiness
Ecclesiasticus 15.1-6
Psalm 16.1, 2, 4-7
1 Thessalonians 2.2-12
Matthew 16.24-27

Holy Communion
Ecclesiasticus 6.5-17 or
James 2.14-24, 26
Psalm 119.19-24 or
Mark 10.1-12

Morning Prayer
Psalm 55
2 Chronicles 14.2-end
John 20.11-18

Evening Prayer
Psalm 69
Genesis 33.1-17
Titus 3

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Zechariah 8.16-end
Matthew 10.1-15

BCP: David, Archbishop, c.601