
Shelley Services and Events

Sunday 15th September 9.15am
Eucharist - Layham with Shelley
Sunday 22nd September 9.15am
Sunday 6th October 9.15am

Events Calendar

CW Bede, 735; Aldhelm, 709
Saturday 25 May 2019
The Venerable Bede, Monk at Jarrow, Scholar, Historian, 735
Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne, 709

White / white

Exciting Holiness
Ecclesiasticus 39.1-10
Psalm 78.1-4a, 5, 6a, 7
1 Corinthians 1.18-25
John 21.20-25

Holy Communion
Acts 16.1-10
Psalm 100
John 15.18-21

Morning Prayer
Psalms 146, 150 (or) 76, 79
Deuteronomy 24.5-end
1 Peter 3.13-end

Evening Prayer
Psalm 118 (or) 81, 84
Numbers 14.26-end
Luke 6.12-26

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Isaiah 38.9-20
Luke 24.33-end