
Shelley Services and Events

Sunday 16th June 9.15am
Sunday 7th July 9.15am
Morning Worship
Sunday 14th July 9.15am

Events Calendar

CW Oswald, 642
Monday 05 August 2019
Oswald, King of Northumbria, Martyr, 642

Green / red

Exciting Holiness
Wisdom 5.15-20
Psalm 144.1-5, 7, 11, 12, 16
1 Peter 4.12-end
John 16.29-end

Holy Communion
DEL week 18
Numbers 11.4-15
Psalm 81.11-end
Matthew 14.13-21 or


Morning Prayer
Psalms 1, 2, 3
Jeremiah 26
2 Corinthians 11.1-15

Evening Prayer
Psalms 4, 7
1 Samuel 10.1-16
Luke 22.24-30

(or) Evening Prayer on the Eve of the Transfiguration
Psalms 99, 110
Exodus 24.12-18
John 12.27-36a

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Numbers 23.1-12
1 Corinthians 1.10-17