Events Calendar

CW Margaret of Antioch, 4th century; Bartolomé de las Casas, 1566
Monday 20 July 2020
Margaret of Antioch, Martyr, 4th century
Bartolomé de las Casas, Apostle to the Indies, 1566

Holy Communion
DEL week 16
Micah 6.1-4, 6-8
Psalm 50.3-7, 14
Matthew 12.38-42

Morning Prayer
Psalms 123, 124, 125, 126
1 Samuel 5
Luke 20.41-21.4

Evening Prayer
Psalms 127, 128, 129
Ezekiel 10.1-19
2 Corinthians 6.1-7.1

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Exodus 40.1-16
Luke 14.15-24