
Shelley Services and Events

Sunday 15th September 9.15am
Eucharist - Layham with Shelley
Sunday 22nd September 9.15am
Sunday 6th October 9.15am

Events Calendar

CW* Trinity 8
Sunday 02 August 2020
The Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Proper 13
Principal Service
Genesis 32.22-31
Psalm 17.1-7,16*
Romans 9.1-5
Matthew 14.13-21
Isaiah 55.1-5
Psalm 145.8-9,15-22*
Romans 9.1-5
Matthew 14.13-21

Third Service
Psalm 85
Song of Solomon 5.2-16 or
1 Maccabees 3.1-12
2 Peter 1.1-15

Second Service
Psalm 80*
1 Kings 10.1-13
Acts 13.1-13
Gospel at Holy Communion:
John 6.24-35


Almighty Lord and everlasting God,
we beseech you to direct, sanctify and govern
both our hearts and bodies
in the ways of your laws
and the works of your commandments;
that through your most mighty protection, both here and ever,
we may be preserved in body and soul;
through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion

Strengthen for service, Lord,
the hands that have taken holy things;
may the ears which have heard your word
be deaf to clamour and dispute;
may the tongues which have sung your praise be free from deceit;
may the eyes which have seen the tokens of your love
shine with the light of hope;
and may the bodies which have been fed with your body
be refreshed with the fullness of your life;
glory to you for ever.

Additional Collect

Lord God,
your Son left the riches of heaven
and became poor for our sake:
when we prosper save us from pride,
when we are needy save us from despair,
that we may trust in you alone;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.