
Shelley Services and Events

Sunday 15th September 9.15am
Eucharist - Layham with Shelley
Sunday 22nd September 9.15am
Sunday 6th October 9.15am

Events Calendar

CW Clare of Assisi, 1253; John Henry Newman, 1890
Tuesday 11 August 2020
Clare of Assisi, Founder of the Minoresses (Poor Clares), 1253
John Henry Newman, Priest, Tractarian, 1890

Exciting Holiness
Song of Songs 8.6, 7
Psalm 62.1, 2, 5-8, 11
2 Corinthians 4.6-10
John 15.4-10

Holy Communion
Ezekiel 2.8-3.4
Psalm 119.65-72
Matthew 18.1-5, 10, 12-14

Morning Prayer
Psalms 48, 52
1 Samuel 20.1-17
Acts 1.15-end

Evening Prayer
Psalm 50
Ezekiel 37. 15-end
Mark 1.14-20

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Proverbs 15.1-11
Galatians 2.15-end