
Shelley Services and Events

Sunday 6th October 9.15am
Morning Worship
Sunday 13th October 9.15am
Sunday 20th October 9.15am

Events Calendar

CW Augustine of Canterbury, 605; John Calvin, 1564; Philip Neri, 1595
Wednesday 26 May 2021
Augustine, first Archbishop of Canterbury, 605
John Calvin, Reformer, 1564
Philip Neri, Founder of the Oratorians, Spiritual Guide, 1595

Green / white

Exciting Holiness
Isaiah 49.22-25
Psalm 98.1-3, 4b-8
1 Thessalonians 2.2b-8
Matthew 13.31-33

Holy Communion
Ecclesiasticus 36.1-2, 4-5, 10-17 or
James 4.13-end
Psalm 79.8-9, 12, 14 or
49.1-6, 16-18
Mark 10.32-45

Morning Prayer
Psalm 119.153-end
Job 3
Romans 2.1-16

Evening Prayer
Psalm 136
Joshua 3
Luke 9.37-50

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Genesis 15
Romans 4.1-8


Almighty God,
whose servant Augustine was sent as the apostle
of the English people:
grant that as he laboured in the Spirit
to preach Christ’s gospel in this land,
so all who hear the good news
may strive to make your truth known in all the world;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion

God, shepherd of your people,
whose servant Augustine revealed the loving service of Christ
in his ministry as a pastor of your people:
by this eucharist in which we share
awaken within us the love of Christ
and keep us faithful to our Christian calling;
through him who laid down his life for us,
but is alive and reigns with you, now and for ever.