St Andrew's Church, Layham

Events Calendar

CW Thomas Cranmer, 1556
Monday 21 March 2022
Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, Reformation Martyr, 1556

Purple or Lent array / red

Exciting Holiness
Isaiah 43.1-3a
Psalm 119.169-176
2 Timothy 2.8-15
John 10.11-15

Holy Communion
2 Kings 5.1-15
Psalm 42.1-2, 43.1-4
Luke 4.24-30

The following readings may replace those provided for Holy Communion on any day (except St Joseph’s Day and the Annunciation) during the Third Week of Lent, especially in Years B and C when the Gospel passage about the Samaritan woman is not read on the Third Sunday of Lent:
Exodus 17.1-7
Psalm 95.1-2, 6-end
John 4.5-42

Morning Prayer
Psalms 5, 7 (or) 1, 2, 3
Genesis 47.1-27
Hebrews 4.14-5.10

Evening Prayer
Psalms 11, 17 (or) 4, 7
Jeremiah 11.1-17
John 7.37-52

Additional Weekday Lectionary
Joshua 4.1-13
Luke 9.1-11


Father of all mercies,
who through the work of your servant Thomas Cranmer
renewed the worship of your Church
and through his death revealed your strength in human weakness:
by your grace strengthen us to worship you
in spirit and in truth
and so to come to the joys of your everlasting kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Mediator and Advocate,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion

God our redeemer,
whose Church was strengthened by the blood of your martyr Thomas Cranmer:
so bind us, in life and death, to Christ’s sacrifice
that our lives, broken and offered with his,
may carry his death and proclaim his resurrection in the world;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Eternal God,
who gave us this holy meal
in which we have celebrated the glory of the cross
and the victory of your martyr Thomas Cranmer:
by our communion with Christ
in his saving death and resurrection,
give us with all your saints the courage to conquer evil
and so to share the fruit of the tree of life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

BCP: Benedict, Abbot, c.550

BCP Holy Communion