St Andrew's Church, Layham

Events Calendar

CW* Simon and Jude
Friday 28 October 2022
Simon and Jude, Apostles


Principal Service
Isaiah 28.14-16
Psalm 119.89-96
Ephesians 2.19-22
John 15.17-27

Third Service
Wisdom 5.1-16 or
Isaiah 45.18-26
Luke 6.12-16
Morning Psalms
Psalms 116, 117

Second Service
1 Maccabees 2.42-66 or
Jeremiah 3.11-18
Jude 1-4,17-25
Evening Psalm
Psalm 119.1-16


Almighty God,
who built your Church upon the foundation
of the apostles and prophets,
with Jesus Christ himself as the chief cornerstone:
so join us together in unity of spirit by their doctrine,
that we may be made a holy temple acceptable to you;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion

Almighty God,
who on the day of Pentecost
sent your Holy Spirit to the apostles
with the wind from heaven and in tongues of flame,
filling them with joy and boldness to preach the gospel:
by the power of the same Spirit
strengthen us to witness to your truth
and to draw everyone to the fire of your love;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Lord God, the source of truth and love,
keep us faithful to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship,
united in prayer and the breaking of bread,
and one in joy and simplicity of heart,
in Jesus Christ our Lord.

BCP: Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles

BCP Holy Communion

Jude 1-8John 15.17-end

BCP Collect

O Almighty God, who hast built thy Church upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the head corner-stone; Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their doctrine, that we may be made an holy temple acceptable unto thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord.