st marys church 362793 400

Events Calendar

CW Chad, 672
Thursday 02 March 2023
Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, Missionary, 672

Purple or Lent array / white

Exciting Holiness
Ecclesiasticus 3.17-24
Psalm 84.1-6
1 Timothy 6.11b-16
Luke 14.7-11

Holy Communion
Esther 14.1-5, 12-14 or
Isaiah 55.6-9
Psalm 138
Matthew 7.7-12

Morning Prayer
Psalms 42, 43 (or) 90, 92
Jeremiah 6.9-21
John 6.1-15

Evening Prayer
Psalms 137, 138, 142 (or) 94
Genesis 42.18-28
Galatians 5.2-15

BCP: Chad, Bishop of Lichfield, 672

BCP Holy Communion

Isaiah 58.9b-14
John 8.31-45