St Andrew's Church, Layham

Events Calendar

CW Perpetua, Felicity and Companions, 203
Tuesday 07 March 2023
Perpetua, Felicity and their Companions, Martyrs at Carthage, 203

Purple or Lent array / red

Exciting Holiness
Song of Songs 8.6, 7
Psalm 54.1-4, 6
Revelation 12.10-12a
Matthew 24.9-13

Holy Communion
Isaiah 1.10, 16-20
Psalm 50.8, 16-end
Matthew 23.1-12

Morning Prayer
Psalm 50 (or) 106* (or 103)
Jeremiah 8.1-15
John 6.52-59

Evening Prayer
Psalms 52, 53, 54 (or) 107*
Genesis 44.1-17
Hebrews 2.1-9

BCP: Perpetua, Martyr, 203

BCP Holy Communion

Hebrews 2.11-18
Matthew 23. 1-12