
Shelley Services and Events

Sunday 6th October 9.15am
Morning Worship
Sunday 13th October 9.15am
Sunday 20th October 9.15am

Events Calendar

CW* Lent 3
Sunday 12 March 2023
The Third Sunday of Lent

Purple or Lent array

Principal Service
Exodus 17.1-7
Psalm 95
Romans 5.1-11
John 4.5-42

Third Service
Psalm 46
Amos 7.10-17
2 Corinthians 1.1-11

Second Service
Psalm 40
Joshua 1.1-9
Ephesians 6.10-20
Gospel at Holy Communion:
John 2.13-22

BCP: The Third Sunday in Lent

BCP Holy Communion

Numbers 22.21-31
Psalm 9.13-end
Ephesians 5.1-14
Luke 11.14-28