
Shelley Services and Events

Sunday 6th October 9.15am
Morning Worship
Sunday 13th October 9.15am
Sunday 20th October 9.15am

Events Calendar

CW* Palm Sunday
Sunday 02 April 2023
Palm Sunday


Principal Service
Liturgy of the Palms:
Matthew 21.1-11
Psalm 118.1-2,19-29*

Liturgy of the Passion:
Isaiah 50.4-9a
Psalm 31.9-16*
Philippians 2.5-11
Matthew 26.14 – 27.66 or
Matthew 27.11-54

Third Service
Psalms 61, 62
Zechariah 9.9-12
Luke 16.19-31

Second Service
Psalm 80
Isaiah 5.1-7
Matthew 21.33-46

BCP: The Sunday next before Easter

BCP Holy Communion

Zechariah 9.9-12
Psalm 73.22-end
Philippians 2.5-11
Matthew 27.1-54
or, when there is more than one celebration,
Matthew 21.1-13

The Passion according to St Matthew (Matthew 26.[1-35] and 27.1-60 [61-66]) may be read or sung at any celebration on this day.

Where there are more celebrations of the Holy Communion than one, and the Passion according to St Matthew is read at one of these celebrations, Matthew 21.1-13 may be substituted at any other celebration.