st marys church 362793 400

Events Calendar

CW* Easter Day
Sunday 09 April 2023
Easter Day

Gold or White

Principal Feast

Principal Service
The reading from Acts must be used as either the first or second reading
Acts 10.34-43 or
Jeremiah 31.1-6
Psalm 118.1-2,14-24*
Colossians 3.1-4 or
Acts 10.34-43
John 20.1-18 or
Matthew 28.1-10

Third Service
Exodus 14.10-18,26 – 15.2
Revelation 15.2-4
Morning Psalms
Psalms 114, 117

Second Service
Song of Solomon 3.2-5; 8.6,7
John 20.11-18 if not used at the Principal Service
Revelation 1.12-18
Evening Psalms
Psalm 105 or

BCP Holy Communion

Exodus 12.21-28
Psalm 111
Colossians 3.1-7
John 20.1-10