St Andrew's Church, Layham

Events Calendar

CW* Pentecost (Whit Sunday)
Sunday 28 May 2023
Day of Pentecost
Whit Sunday


Principal Feast

Principal Service
The reading from Acts must be used as either the first or second reading
Acts 2.1-21 or
Numbers 11.24-30
Psalm 104.26-36,37b*
1 Corinthians 12.3b-13 or
Acts 2.1-21
John 20.19-23 or
John 7.37-39

Third Service
Genesis 11.1-9
Acts 10.34-48
Morning Psalm
Psalm 87

Second Service
Joel 2.21-32
Acts 2.14-21[22-38]
Gospel at Holy Communion:
Luke 24.44-53
Evening Psalms
Psalms 67, 133

BCP: Whit-Sunday

BCP Holy Communion

Deuteronomy 16.9-12
Psalm 122
Acts 2.1-11
John 14.15-end