st marys church 362793 400

Events Calendar

CW* Trinity 1
Sunday 11 June 2023
The festival of Barnabas, Apostle, may be observed on Sunday 11 June or Monday 12 June.
If it is observed on Monday 12 June:

The First Sunday after Trinity


Proper 5
Principal Service
Genesis 12.1-9
Psalm 33.1-12
Romans 4.13-25
Matthew 9.9-13,18-26

Hosea 5.15 – 6.6
Psalm 50.7-15
Romans 4.13-25
Matthew 9.9-13,18-26

Third Service
Psalm 38
Deuteronomy 6.10-25
Acts 22.22 – 23.11

Second Service
Psalms [39] 41
1 Samuel 18.1-16
Luke 8.41-56

(or) Evening Prayer on the Eve of Barnabas
Psalms 1, 15
Isaiah 42.5-12
Acts 14.8-28

BCP Holy Communion

2 Samuel 9.6-13
Psalm 41.1-4
1 John 4.7-end
Luke 16.19-end