st marys church 362793 400

Events Calendar

CW Oswald, 642
Saturday 05 August 2023
Oswald, King of Northumbria, Martyr, 642

Green / red

Exciting Holiness
Wisdom 5.15-20
Psalm 144.1-5, 7, 11, 12, 16
1 Peter 4.12-end
John 16.29-end

Holy Communion
Leviticus 25.1, 8-17
Psalm 67
Matthew 14.1-12

Morning Prayer
Psalms 41, 42, 43
Jeremiah 36.1-18
James 5.7-end

Evening Prayer
Psalms 45, 46
1 Samuel 17.55-18.16
Luke 24.36-end

(or) Evening Prayer on the Eve of the Transfiguration
Psalms 99, 110
Exodus 24.12-18
John 12.27-36a