st marys church 362793 400

Events Calendar

CW* Trinity 10
Sunday 13 August 2023
The Tenth Sunday after Trinity


Proper 14
Principal Service
Genesis 37.1-4,12-28
Psalm 105.1-6,16-22,45b*
Romans 10.5-15
Matthew 14.22-33

1 Kings 19.9-18
Psalm 85.8-13
Romans 10.5-15
Matthew 14.22-33

Third Service
Psalm 88
Song of Solomon 8.5-7 or
1 Maccabees 14.4-15
2 Peter 3.8-13

Second Service
Psalm 86
1 Kings 11.41 – 12.20
Acts 14.8-20
Gospel at Holy Communion:
John 6.35,41-51

BCP Holy Communion

Jeremiah 7.9-15
Psalm 17.1-8
1 Corinthians 12.1-11
Luke 19.41-47