st marys church 362793 400

Events Calendar

CW Beheading of John the Baptist
Tuesday 29 August 2023
The Beheading of John the Baptist

Green / red

Lesser Festival Eucharistic Lectionary
Jeremiah 1.4-10
Psalm 11
Hebrews 11.32 – 12.2
Matthew 14.1-12

Holy Communion
1 Thessalonians 2.1-8
Psalm 139.1-9
Matthew 23.23-26

Morning Prayer
Psalm 106* (or 103)
Micah 7.8-end
Mark 7.1-13

Evening Prayer
Psalm 107*
2 Samuel 12.1-25
Acts 9.1-19a

BCP: The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

BCP Holy Communion

2 Chronicles 24.17-21
Psalm 92.11-end
Hebrews 11.32-12.2
Matthew 14.1-12