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Events Calendar

CW Francis of Assisi, 1226
Wednesday 04 October 2023
Francis of Assisi, Friar, Deacon, Founder of the Friars Minor, 1226

Green / white

Exciting Holiness
Micah 6.6-8
Psalm 100
Galatians 6.14-end
Luke 12.22-34

Holy Communion
Nehemiah 2.1-8
Psalm 137.1-6
Luke 9.57-end

Morning Prayer
Psalm 77
Ecclesiasticus 10.6-8, 12-24 or
Ezekiel 12.1-16
Mark 14.26-42

Evening Prayer
Psalm 119.81-104
1 Kings 22.29-45
Acts 23.12-end