st marys church 362793 400

Events Calendar

CW William Tyndale, 1536
Friday 06 October 2023
William Tyndale, Translator of the Scriptures, Reformation Martyr, 1536

Green / red

Exciting Holiness
Proverbs 8.4-11
Psalm 119.89-96
2 Timothy 3.12-end
John 17.6-8, 14-19

Holy Communion
Baruch 1.15-end or
Deuteronomy 31.7-13
Psalm 79.1-9
Luke 10.13-16

Morning Prayer
Psalm 55
Ecclesiasticus 14.20-15.10 or
Ezekiel 13.1-16
Mark 14.53-65

Evening Prayer
Psalm 69
2 Kings 2.1-18
Acts 24.24-25.12

BCP: Faith, Virgin, Martyr in Aquitaine, c.304