st marys church 362793 400

Events Calendar

CW Denys and Companions, c.250; Robert Grosseteste, 1253
Monday 09 October 2023
Denys, Bishop of Paris, and his Companions, Martyrs, c.250
Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln, Philosopher, Scientist, 1253


Holy Communion
DEL week 27
Jonah 1.1-2.2, 10
Canticle: Jonah 2.2-4, 7 or
Psalm 69.1-6
Luke 10.25-37

Morning Prayer
Psalms 80, 82
Ecclesiasticus 16.17-end or
Ezekiel 14.12-end
Mark 15.1-15

Evening Prayer
Psalms 85, 86
2 Kings 5
Acts 26.1-23

BCP: Denys, Bishop of Paris, Martyr, c.250