St Andrew's Church, Layham

Events Calendar

CW Mary Sumner, 1921
Friday 09 August 2024
Mary Sumner, Founder of the Mothers’ Union, 1921

Green / white

Exciting Holiness
Proverbs 24.3, 4, 12-14
Psalm 119.9-16
Hebrews 13.1-5
Luke 11.9-13

Holy Communion
Nahum 2.1, 3, 3.1-3, 6-7
Psalm 137.1-6 or
Deuteronomy 32.35-36, 39, 41
Matthew 16.24-end

Morning Prayer
Psalm 55
2 Samuel 1
Acts 5.12-26

Evening Prayer
Psalm 69
Proverbs 3.27 - 4.19
Mark 4.21-34


Faithful and loving God,
who called Mary Sumner to strive for the renewal of family life:
give us the gift of your Holy Spirit,
that through word, prayer and deed
your family may be strengthened and your people served;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion

from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name,
your servant Mary Sumner revealed your goodness
in a life of tranquillity and service:
grant that we who have gathered in faith around this table
may like her know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge
and be filled with all your fullness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

or another Post Communion for `Any Saint’ is used.